Improve your mood and look after your wellbeing with these simple steps.

Published on 30 December 2023 at 09:34

So, Christmas has gone, and I don’t know about you, but I feel all peopled out!  I am frantically trying to cook the last of the Christmas Beige food, demolish all the remaining chocolates & sweets and drink the last of the alcohol ready to start dry January!

It has been nice to have a much-needed break from work but instead of feeling energised, I am feeling quite deflated due to the endless socialising, lack of routine, making poor choices with food and drink and being quite lazy.  I realise it is time to take control and re-charge my battery!  Luckily, I know just how to pick myself up and look after my wellbeing so I thought I would share some helpful tips with you.


1.  Get out more

I almost feel like I am solar powered!  I need to get out in the day, it always makes me feel better.  Luckily I have a dog who motivates me to go on new adventures.  There is nothing better than the stillness of the woods or standing infront of a roaring sea!  When you are feeling low it is important to get outside, feel the elements on your face, listen to the bird song and notice all the vibrant colours around you.  If I am feeling particularly anti social then I will hop in my car and find a quiet spot where it is just me, the dog and nature.

2.  Cut down on screen time

How many times have you lost an hour or two just senselessly scrolling through social media?  Before you know it you can't be bothered to do anything else as you have already wasted the best part of the day.  I am guilty of being addicted to solitaire (boring I know) but I always feel really annoyed with myself after.  It is very easy to kill time doing this, most the things you see will depress you further as you are seeing the doom and gloom of the news snippets, endless articles about weight loss, poverty and war.  I have noticed how easily people can get addicted to their phones, it is horrible to watch a family sitting next to each other but all isolated in their own world, fixed on their screen.  So put it down!!  Or at least limit it.  Cook a nice meal instead, go for a walk (see point 1),  take a bath, have a pamper, indulge in a good book, conversation or craft.  You will feel a lot better for it, I promise.

3.  Say no more

It is very easy to get overwhelmed, with commitments, that lets face it, you probably don't want to make!  If you are constantly trying to please everyone else, you will forfeit your own mental health and happiness.  It is ok to say no!  Make clear boundaries and learn to say no.  You don't owe people an explanation.  If sitting at home in your comfy' s is what you want to do then don't commit to going somewhere you don't want to go, and probably cant afford, to then suffer a hangover you don't need!  This one is a gamechanger!  Remember, you can't give from an empty cup, so put your own needs first.

4. Hydrate

Treat your body to some water, it could probably do with it.  Getting your water intake up will leave you feeling better, it will help assist your body to flush out toxins as well as carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells.  This will help your complexion,  giving your skin a nice glow.  It will also help with a bloated belly and feeling sluggish. Gulp!

5. Meditate

This is the point where everyone sighs...however give it a go!  You don't have to over complicate it, just set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and just concentrate on your breathing until your alarm goes off.  If 10 minutes is too long then start with 5 minutes.  Remember anything is better than nothing.  You owe yourself 10 minutes of downtime.  Your mind will wonder, you will probably start thinking about what's for tea or what you need from the shops, but that is OK!!  Just concentrate on your breathing, when I got started I would literally say in to breath in, and out on the exhale and just get into a comfortable rhythm. This is essential for the over thinkers amongst us, how nice is it to give yourself a break from your own thoughts.  Give it a try!

6. You are what you eat

This one is a no brainer.  Hopefully after over indulging you will be ready to eat a bit cleaner now.  You don't have to make big changes just cut down on the amount of processed food you may be eating, swap it for home cooked and try and increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, with doing this and increasing your water intake you will notice a difference.  When we choose the wrong foods or over eat, we are left feeling, bloated and sluggish and generally a bit uncomfortable.  I have had 1 too many food comas this season so I am more than ready to swap a chocolate bar for an apple and chips for salad!  If you can get the balance right you will feel more energised, your skin will be clearer and your mood will improve.

7. Move more

Moving more will help both your physical and mental wellbeing.  It will help your blood flow and improve the oxygen levels within your blood, which your muscles and immune system will thank you for.

We are made up of energy so it makes sense to keep it flowing.  When we sit for long periods we block energy flow which can cause illness, anxiety and stress.  Sadly most of us spend 50 - 70 % of our time sitting.

You really don't have to make big changes to notice a difference.  My advise to you would be to get creative, and have fun.

You could get off the bus a stop earlier, walking a little further, doing 10 squats when you go to the toilet, take the stairs, walk to the shop. For those of you who would like a little more, try an exercise class.  If you don't have the money to pay for one look on you tube, or go for a jog.

Personally I would recommend yoga every time.  Yoga helps to clear any blockages you have in your body and helps with flexibility, back pain, stress and anxiety.  Why not set yourself small, achievable daily targets?  It will be worth it!

8.  Be grateful

There are a bounty of endless blessings surrounding you, but sometimes we are so stressed all we can see is our problems, and trust me, the more you give attention to your problems, the more you will find, and when you are in this deep it is hard to get out of this by just being positive.  But totally achievable.

All you have to do is grateful for everything good no matter how small.  Someone has just given way to you, smile, say thank you and be grateful!  You have just pulled up in the supermarket, and a space is available to park right by the door, wow that was lucky!  Smile and be grateful.  You may look up and see a beautiful rainbow, get excited and be grateful.  There is always something to be grateful for, starting with waking up each morning.  The more things you notice, the more will come.  Have fun with it, write it down in a journal and last thing at night before you go to sleep, run through all the things you are grateful for from your day.  This will help program your mind whilst you sleep.  This honestly will work, its the law of attraction, it has too!

Be The change you wish to see.


Hope this article has given you something to think about and will help you combat the season blues.


Reiki Powered Healing

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